It can feel hard to imagine that 300 years ago Kingsdown was known as a quiet place - a sanctuary up on the hill, and was mostly grasslands and hedges, probable home to many species of butterflies and wildlife.

One of the striking characteristics of High Kingsdown is it's intense, urban cityscape. However, enter High Kingsdown communal flowerbeds!

Hundreds of new plants have been introduced or encouraged

There are 50 beds dotted in between all of our houses, and High Kingsdown Community Gardeners have been working on these trying to encourage diversity and more beauty! (see Green High Kingsdown). Hundreds of new plants have been introduced or encouraged and more dominant troublesome plants weeded out.

Many residents feed and encourage birds inside their own gardens. There are regular sightings of collared doves, gold finches, blackbirds, dunnocks and wood pigeons. We have a fox that often trots around High Kingsdown lanes at the same time of the night.

Send photos of sightings of birds, mammals and insects

We are very interested in hearing your sightings of interesting birds, mammals in insects in High Kingsdown. If you let us know, we will publish your findings. Can you include the date, time or time period of the sightings. A photo or drawing and description would be terrific too. Send to

Lesser stag beetle found in High Kingsdown.

A grey squirrel in High Kingsdown in autumn.