Annual General Meeting

The AGM for HKCA, will be held on Monday, July 15th in the Small Hall at Cotham Parish Church, starting at 7pm.
The doors will be open from 6pm and everyone is welcome to join us for drinks and pizza slices before the meeting.

We hope you will be able to join us to hear about what we've achieved in 2023/24 and to help us shape the plans for next year. 

In 2023 we celebrated 50 years of High Kingsdown - a pedestrianised 20th century village situated in the heart of one of Bristol’s most historic, and architecturally diverse areas.  Walking from High Kingsdown, down St Michael’s Hill, you are passing through time, from the 21st Earth Sciences Building, past 20th century university and hospital buildings, the old 19th century children’s hospital, 18th century Georgian houses, 17th century almshouses, over cobbled surfaces until just before the Mount Without, you reach 16th century Bristol.  Walk on a little further to Christmas Steps and you will find yourself in the medieval world. 

We would like this website to act as a hub, and to provide useful information

for the 103 houses and 76 flats that make up High Kingsdown.